29 de junio de 2018
Última actualización:
13 de febrero de 2019

Reportaje sobre la entrenadora de salud: Jessica Rosen crea una empresa de zumos con la misión de mejorar la salud

Nuestra serie de Reportajes sobre Entrenadores de Salud comparte las inspiradoras historias de Entrenadores de Salud de Nutrición Integrativa que están cultivando opciones de salud positivas y educando a otros para que lleven estilos de vida más saludables. Únete a nosotros dos veces al mesen el Blog del IIN para leer más sobre lo que llevó a nuestros graduados al IIN y lo que hacen ahora.

Jessica Rosen es Entrenadora de Salud IIN y cofundadora de Raw Generation con su padre, Bill. Raw Generation pone la comida sana al alcance de todos utilizando ingredientes reales de a base de plantas para crear zumos, batidos y sopas. Tras experimentar problemas de salud propios y de seres queridos de su entorno, se inspiraron para crear esta empresa con el objetivo de elaborar alimentos y zumos sanos y crudos que ayuden a los demás a perder peso, aumentar su energía, sentirse mejor y estar más sanos. Encuentra los zumos y depuraciones de Jess en línea en y en Instagram @rawgenerationjuices

Q: What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?
A: I was developing my company Raw Generation. We launched our online store the same month that I graduated from IIN.

Q: What led you to explore the Health Coach Training Program?
A: I knew I wanted to do something with respect to nutrition and helping make it easier for busy people like myself to become healthier and live better.

Q: How has your life changed after becoming a Health Coach?
A: Getting certified has given me the credibility necessary to pose myself as a nutrition expert and has helped me craft and grow a business that makes truly healthy products.

Q: Which topics and modules were most beneficial for you?
A: The different nutrition philosophies.

Q: What does a typical day look like for you now?
A: I spend a few hours (at least) at the office, work out a few days a week, try to spend some time outdoors as the weather and my schedule permits, play with my dog, give some lovin to my husband, sleep and repeat!

Q: What makes you and your practice unique?
A: I’m not actually a practicing health coach. I decided very early on that I wanted to devote my time to creating a product based company. However, I do help our customers when they email or call in with specific health or weight loss questions or issues.

Q: How do you help your clients be successful? Is there a recent example that stands out for you?
A: One of our priorities as a company is to make truly healthy products. That means, if I wouldn’t use an ingredient in my home or daily life we don’t use it at work. I am very strict about the integrity of our products. Also, one of our priorities is to give our audience useful simple information to make being healthier easier. Whether that’s quick and healthy vegetable based recipes or lifestyle hacks, we are constantly looking to supply our audience with information that will make being healthy easier.

Q: What do you love about your work?
A: It is always changing. I get bored very easily, and since day one of development, my job has morphed to take up whatever challenge lays in front of us. I am using a wide variety of skills I’ve picked up along the way that are all helping me be successful in growing an increasingly popular juice business.

Q: How have you seen the need for Health Coaches change over the years?
A: It is becoming more of a mainstream thing. More people know what a health coach is now than 6 years ago when I graduated. More people are recognizing that they need to make real changes in their lifestyles. More people are not settling for mediocre results. They want to feel better, look better, live longer, live happier.

Q: What’s your tip for balancing your family, work and personal wellness?
A: This has been a constant struggle for me and the more I learn the more I am starting to realize that when you want extraordinary results a balance isn’t really possible. For the first few years of our business that was my priority and everything else took a back seat. About 3 years ago I got really sick which turned into finding out I had lyme disease and so my business took the back seat and most of my time and very limited energy went into getting me better. Now that I’m out of the woods with my health I am getting back into the swing of working while still making self care top priority. I don’t pretend to have it all figured out and am still taking it day by day as my energy improves… but one thing I did learn from getting sick is how to prioritize what’s really important and becoming comfortable saying no.

Q: Tell us your favorite way to wake up each day!
A: I tend to not set an alarm (unless totally unavoidable) and I try to stay stress free. I don’t really have a routine but definitely love sipping my morning cup of coffee… if I’m lucky on my porch sitting quietly with my husband and my dog.

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